C.F. Barker Archives

Barbara May Hancox

Barbara May Hancox was born on 25 April 1916 in \idx{Wallasey}, \idx{Cheshire} to \bioref{Charles_Edward_Hancox} and \bioref{Alice_Margaret_Renner}\cite{BarbaraHancoxBirth}. She had four siblings: \bioref{Charles_Stanley_Hancox}, \bioref{Winifred_Margaret_Hancox}, \bioref{Norman_Merrett_Hancox} and \bioref{Philip_Renner_Hancox}.

In June 1939, Barbara arrived in \idx{New York} with her parents on the \emph{\idx{Mauretania}} and travelled back to England arriving on 7 July, again on the \emph{Mauretania}.\cite{BarbaraHancoxTravel}

She married \bioref{Stanislaw_Karpinski} in 1947 and they had two children, Jan and Peter.