C.F. Barker Archives

\biohead{Edward Henry Aldridge}{Aldridge, Edward Henry}{}

Edward Henry Aldridge married Leah North \bioref{Leah_North} in 1789 at St Martin in the Fields, London.\cite{EHAldridgeMarriage}. They had five children: Judith Aldridge (1794--?), Virginia Aldridge (1796--?), Leah North Aldridge (1798--?), \bioref{Napoleon_Aldridge}, and Edward Henry Aldridge Jr.

In 1796 he was employed as a Victualler in Bermondsey, Surrey and they lived in Cherry Gardens, Bermondsey, London. \cite{EHAldridgeWork}

He died in the first quarter of 1845, in Hunslet, Yorkshire (his wife came from Yorkshire).\cite{EHAldridgeDeath}