C.F. Barker Archives

\biohead{Jean Dunsmore}{}{}

Jean Dunsmore (also known as Jeanie Dunsmuir) was born on 8 December 1816 in Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland to \bioref{Robert_Dunsmore} and \bioref{Jean_Kirkland}. She had four siblings: James Dunsmuir (1805--1832), Marian Dunsmuir (1808--1872), Allan Dunsmuir (1847--?), and Mary Dunsmore (1810, died in infancy).

She married \bioref{Boyd_Gilmour} on 26 June 1835 in Riccarton, Ayrshire, Scotland\cite{JeanDunsmoreMarraige} and they had eight children: Jean Gilmour (1836--?), Joseph Gilmour (1838, died in infancy), Joseph Gilmour (1840--?), \bioref{Mary_Gilmour}, Marion Gilmour (1847--1928), Boyd Gilmour (1849--?), Allan Columbia Gilmour (1851--?) and John Gilmour (1854--1856).

She already had five children when they left on the Pekin on 19 December 1850 to sail to Vancouver Island, where Boyd had been employed to open up coal mines in the north. Jean gave birth to Allan Columbia as the ship sailed up the Columbia river, and they arrived at Fort Vancouver on June 29 1851 (see page \pageref{Boyd_Gilmour} for further details of their time in Canada).

Jean died age 38 from ``enteritis, 2 days'' on 16 May 1856 soon after her youngest son's death \cite{JeanDunsmoreDeath}, only two years after they returned from Canada, and she is buried in Riccarton Burial Ground, Ayrshire.