C.F. Barker Archives

\biohead{Mary Hill}{}{Date unknown.}

Mary Hill was born on 29 January 1809 in Paulton, Somerset, to \bioref{George_Hill} and \bioref{Hannah_Dando}.\cite{MaryHillBirthDeath} She had ten siblings: John Hill (1804--1871), James Dando Hill (1806--1806), Elizabeth Hill (1807--1829), Thomas Hill (1810--1813), Susannah James Hill (1815--1845), Anna Maria Hill (1817--1869), Sarah Hill (1822--?), Thomas Ames Hill (1823--1894), Robert Hill (1825--?), and Sarah Ann Hill (1826--?).

She married William Munday on 1 Dec 1835 in Paulton, Somerset and they lived in Warminster, Wiltshire; by 1871 they had moved to 32 Middleton Road, Battersea.\cite{MHillResidence} They had ten children (see page \pageref{William_Munday}).

She died on 25 December 1879 (at 4:10 am) in Surbiton, Surrey and was buried on 30 December at Norbiton Cemetery, Surbiton. \cite{MaryHillBirthDeath}